Miasma MGMT presents:

Aiwass Release Event: Metal and Esotericism

On Sunday 2nd February, Obscura Qalma will release ‘Aiwass’.
The self-produced release contains the 4 orchestral tracks of ‘Veils Of Transcendence’ EP, released on February 2nd 2024 through Dusktone, and inspired by the literary works of Aleister Crowley.
Aiwass is the voice that supposedly dictated ‘The Book Of The Law’ to Crowley. In a sort of continuity, the new EP will be presented at Karass bookshop (specialised in science fiction, horror, fantasy and weird stories) in Venice, the band’s hometown.
For the occasion, a limited edition physical version will also be presented, containing the 4 tracks  mentioned above, the orchestral version of the tracks from the band’s first EP ‘From The Sheol To The Apeiron’ and 4 orchestral tributes.
The event will feature an analysis of the genesis of the music, lyrical references to Crowley’s works and a listening session.

For further information: obscuraqalma.com
Aiwass Release Event
Saturday 8th February 2025
Libreria Karass – Calle Larga Giacinto Gallina 6374, 30121 Venice

h. 20:00 
Free entry until the place reaches maximum capacity

On Sunday, February 2nd, Obscura Qalma will release Aiwass.
This self-produced EP features the four orchestral tracks from the EP Veils Of Transcendence, released on February 2nd, 2024, by Dusktone, and inspired by the literary works of Aleister Crowley.
Aiwass is said to have been the voice that dictated The Book of the Law to Crowley.

In a thread of continuity, the new EP will be presented at Karass Bookstore (specialized in science fiction, horror, fantasy, and weird tales) in Venice, the band’s hometown.

On this occasion, a limited physical edition will also be available, containing the four aforementioned tracks, the orchestral version of the tracks from the band’s first EP From The Sheol To The Apeiron, and four orchestral tributes.

The event includes an analysis of the compositional genesis of the music, references to Crowley’s works, and a listening session.

For more info: obscuraqalma.com

Aiwass Release Event
Saturday, February 8th, 2025
Karass Bookstore
Calle Larga Giacinto Gallina 6374
30121 Venice VE
8:00 PM
Free entry until full capacity is reached.

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